Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Your memory thereof of other lives, universes, is in one essence wiped clean, so that you may rejoin a new life experience with no clutter from the previous. Some souls deconcoct themselves completely, while others have faint or very strong memories still intact.

The reason for the memory erasure is obvious, on the one hand, that you not be able to extract any other viewpoints than the ones you are currently making, in your own mind, your own time. 

However, I will remark that you are not entirely up to this. Because within you is the databank of all lives, memories, concurrent ones even, that walk and exist. So for you to step outside of your self, your life form as it exists here and now, you may see or experience some of these other viewpoints, as you have in your dreams. 

But I will say that dreams are only one way of bearing out these other realities, these other selves.

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