Monday, September 21, 2015

Rather Be

In the beginning, God did create and is still creating. Never forget that. Creation means freedom: for all souls, spirits, and nations. For as energy creates and and recreates, life goes on. And life is free to become that which it would rather be.

For life is always in the midst of becoming what it would rather be. Have you not heard? See them standing all neatly in a row, the rather bes. We are all one of them. We are all standing in our spaces we have created here in this plane we call earth, for the convenience of space then allows us to foremost move forward with our rather bes.

Rather be is not entirely a place of discontent; it is simply a soul crying out for what it does best, which is create and change. Do not fear change; change is the impetus of all that is to come, and all that has been before, and will be. Christ is change. To be blessed by the Christ is change. I emphasize change because he is essentially forever following this change process from the moment he appeared in your time, and [even] before that from the eternity from whence he sprang.

So this Christ which [who] was crucified, was not just the guidance to goodness only but the willingness, the willingness forever to change. The flexibility to change. So that you may know that all you have felt sad for the past few days, these changes you have mourned, are not endings as you have mourned them. They are beginnings to new realities that you are forming now as I speak. They are freedom to yet another, a new way.

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