Saturday, September 19, 2015


Make a circle around yourself and we will go in. Inside [this circle] are molecular structures of tome and space, vacancies, as well, that are part of all that surrounds you within and without. Tomes are of particular order in this universe, and not so elsewhere. Tomes are of such kind that they seek out their Maker, their origin, again and again. Moleculars: p54 in particum sulfide plus one neuromatic peptide minus alpha particum partite. Genus: mankind. You know it well. Repeat: p54 minus alpha particum partite. The peptide holds your substance in existence, one chain of it only. Many chains appear, but one altogether holds you into existence as flesh and blood. Remove that chain, and you are gone. The nature of shape shifting is found here, but with manipulation, versus removal of, the peptide.

Peptide 46a in harmony with p54b and c will cause neuromatter to rot. Now you must understand that p54 is a chain length neuromatter indeed, as well as a peptide. The two meet in synchronicity over outward-bearing matter. Inward-bearing matter meets inside chain 76.

Fulcrums of these chains lie along matter 98 and sp 450, respectively. In your scientific body are the answers to all these encodings. Shift around and find. Particulate is of utmost importance in understanding all that matter can translate and transmute. Particulate founded upon chain-length 76b is of another matter entirely than pure peptide at the surface dwelling. So, in chain lengths, you will find all necessary for understanding shape shifting and releasing of matter.

Purposeful and intended work in these areas will allow mankind technologies he has only heretofore dreamed about. But, I must warn you, these things spoken about will raise great question concerning the nature of God as we have proposed Him to be. It will be a while before mankind can sort out all these conditions within himself and his view of God, you see. So fret not in exploring what these contain.

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