Saturday, August 22, 2015

Joy in Creases

So joy, as you receive it now, is wrapped in many layers of thought, expectation, adaptation, and so on. It finds itself in the creases of your lives. Sometimes these creases are very tiny, fast pushed out by the terrors of living itself.

And so joy, in your framework in the here and now, as it is passing by you in this time frame we call existence, earthbound existence, in the year of our Lord, you fill in the date, is a joy that in yesteryear you did not experience as the same, the joy you laugh out loud for now is not the same laughter you experienced as a baby, you see.

For in the yesteryear when say, you were a youth, the joy was meted out by the knowledge and concerns of youth, meted out and about.

And in the joys of an eighty year old, it is meted out and about the thoughts and desires and wishes of the mind and body for that framework.

I am pointing to joy in its essence of tide, of time, and how time plants frameworks around it while you walk this plane.

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